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Since 1968
WCNS offers two-year old, preschool, and pre-kindergarten classes as well as extended day options. At the heart of the school's philosophy is the belief that children through play. They acquire knowledge about their physical and social world through playful interaction with others, time for exploration, and making connections. Our curriculum is designed to provide learning activities with materials relevant to their own life experiences while encouraging mutual respect, a sense of belonging and responsibility as part of a group. Our program is complemented by a music and movement specialist, a drama educator, and a staff literacy consultant.
"Play is the highest form of research" - Albert Einstein
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Founded in 1968 by a group of parents, Winchester Cooperative Nursery School offers a positive, first-school experience for preschool children and their families. WCNS provides a welcoming and supportive community that fosters learning and development in a nurturing environment. Working together, parents and teachers create a unique relationship that enhances opportunities for families to play, grow and learn together.
Our Cooperative School
The experience you and your family will have at WCNS is an opportunity for both children and parents to meet and enjoy other families who share a common commitment to their child's education and first school experience.
When your family enrolls at WCNS, you immediately become a part of a wonderful network of families. Being a part of a cooperative means you are making a commitment to being a part of your child's early childhood education. Parents at WCNS have three responsibilities.
Parent helping in the classroom about once a month.
Serving on a committee or the Board of Directors. Committees include Family Events, Community Affairs, Fundraising, Marketing, Facilities, Hospitality, and Curriculum.
Participating in a work day. We maintain our own facility so help is needed to keeps things clean and safe for all of our children.
Parent Testimonial
WCNS understands and knows preschoolers exceptionally well. The play-based, hands-on curriculum emphasizes social development, promotes independence, and successfully prepared our kids for the stamina and structure of kindergarten. Our twins who are three years out of WCNS still remember their teachers and recall with joy their friends and the activities they did in school! Lisa and the WCNS teachers feel like extended family and approached each of our children as unique individuals. WCNS is truly a special community and we are so thankful to be part of it.
Jen Harris - Bluejay parent 2024
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